Static Menu

Allows user to select, add and modify menu item in a page


This is the page where the menu item links to when clicked

Display Label

Allows user to give a specific name to the menu item


  • _self: When selected, opens the menu item link in the current page

  • _parent: When selected, opens the menu item link in the current page

  • _blank: When selected, opens the menu item link in a new tab

  • _top: When selected, opens the menu item link in a new window page

Select an icon to be displayed next to the menu item

Reset Item Text

Shows as part of the Nav Menu, when selected, resets the filtered records to default state

Allows user to give the Nav Menu a specific name


Used to style the menu item either to Tab or Pill style


When set to True, keeps the static menu in a fixed position


When set to True arranges menu items vertically, when set to False arranges menu items horizontally


Allows user to set the class for wrapping the Static Menu

Last updated