Menu Configuration

Project Menu

Whatever menu is added to this, is aligned to the left side of the menu bar like the image below.

Whatever menu is added to this, is aligned to the right side of the menu bar like the image below.

This allow users to set the position they want the Menu bar to appear, and if it should be static or not.

Fixed Top

When selected, sets the navigation bar in a fixed position at the top. That is, if the page is scrolled the navigation bar remains in its position. This is the default.

Fixed Top Left

This sets the navigation bar at the top and to the left and they remain in a fixed position even when the page is scrolled.

Static Left

This sets the navigation bar to the left.

Static Top

If selected makes the navigation bar to be static. That is, if the page is scrolled, the navigation bar also scrolls together with it.


This is the page where the menu item links to when clicked

Display Label

Allows user to give a specific name to the menu item


  • _self: When selected, opens the menu item link in the current page

  • _parent: When selected, opens the menu item link in the current page

  • _blank: When selected, opens the menu item link in a new tab

  • _top: When selected, opens the menu item link in a new window page

Select an icon to be displayed next to the menu item

Last updated