Project Configuration


Project Name

This is the name you want to give to the project, it will be used in some aspects of the app.

Publish Path

This is the path/location where you want the generated PHP files to be stored on you computer, during the process of development. This is usually at the root of your development server.

Site Address

This is usually the link to your development server, if left to default PhpRad will start a local server that can be accessed at http://localhost:8005/

Default Page

This allows you to set the page that you want users to see first when they visit your website. This would be the root page.

Meta Tag Information


This allows you to enter a name that will be visible in the meta tag, that will be seen as the name of the Author/Developer of the website.


This is where you place the words that are related to your website and the services you offer, Google uses this to provide better search results to users.


This is the a brief description of the project, Google uses this to display to user what your site does.

Images (Click to select image)


You click on the square to add an image that will be display on users browser, to identify you website.

You click on the square to add an image that will be display on your site, this usually your company's logo.

Last updated